Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of...
A cousin's 21st birthday party provided us with a prime opportunity to connect with our inner pirate. The house was filled with "Ahoy theres" and growling pirate noises as the fun of taking on these characters took hold. It wasn't just the kids who got in to the spirit either..
Clothes for the kids came out of our existing wardrobes, and jewellery, headscarves and ribbons from our own stuff. What elevated our outfits from the homemade to the snazzy faux-professional was the face painting. We just so happened to attend a spring fair at a local school in the morning. Noticing a number of children walking around with beautiful butterfly and fairy faces, I stopped a woman and asked where the face painting was happening. Near the red balloons she said, so we walked down a hill following a line of bobbing red balloons. The face painting turned out to be free and the two talented girls doing it were more than happy to give us these gorgeous pirate faces. How serendipitous was that!?!
Most of our pirate props came from a party shop where a full aisle was dedicated to pirating. Muscats, swords, wigs, parrots and patches were chosen. Jonathan's outfit came in a bag, complete with hat and beard. It cost the same as a basic hire costume, and I'm sure we'll get more use out of it somehow, somewhere, some day...
Arch and Mim did cry in fright when the older pirate made his entrance. It's not every day you come across a terrifying buccaneer in your own home! Eventually Arch started to trust the pirate who looked just a tiny bit like his Dad.
and fierce faces seemed to come naturally for the older kids. Scary!
and yes, I did do my bit too - albeit in an understated way.
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