BOOKS: Wish List (part 2)
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - one of my all time favourite novels and the ONE book I insisted Jonathan read before we got married (okay I didn't stick to this - there wasn't time - you try organising a wedding in 3 months! He read it later.)
I first read it when I was twelve. My grandmother had given me her small dark blue leather bound copy (which I still own and treasure). It was the first book I ever read that I could not put down until I had finished it. If some evil cosmic force has STOPPED you from reading it thus far, then don't waste a moment more! This deluxe edition by Penguin is a paperback, but I love the way the cover has captured the gothic 'vibe' of the story. Yes it is a love story, and it is a great one indeed.
house, published by the NSW Historic Houses Trust could be just the thing you're looking for this Christmas. Rich and vibrant, well known photographer, Robyn Stacey, takes us behind the scenes of historic homes in Sydney and beyond. Featuring both extraordinary and the every day items from the private collections of Elizabeth Bay House, Vaucluse House, Rouse Hill House and farm and others, this book ticks many boxes for me: fascinating history and interiors, beautiful objects and the chance to sneak a peak into the households of others.
Two books popular in our house this year were The Boy's Book How to be the Best at Everything and The Girl's Book How to be the Best at Everything. Aimed at encouraging both boys and girls to do something more interesting than watching television, we didn't take much convincing to give these books a go. With suggested activities such as how to write in secret code, read a compass, find water in the desert, do a perfect handstand, make a boomerang, press flowers, teach a dog to shake hands and hypnotise a chicken (you do that, not the dog) - my kids have had literally hours of fun with these books. There's even a book #2 for each when the list/your kids are exhausted. n.b. There are many other titles in this series, including the How to be the Best for grandparents, children and mums and dads...unless you think you don't need it?
I first read it when I was twelve. My grandmother had given me her small dark blue leather bound copy (which I still own and treasure). It was the first book I ever read that I could not put down until I had finished it. If some evil cosmic force has STOPPED you from reading it thus far, then don't waste a moment more! This deluxe edition by Penguin is a paperback, but I love the way the cover has captured the gothic 'vibe' of the story. Yes it is a love story, and it is a great one indeed.
Other book suggestions:
FOR KIDS: Vintage collections from 2nd hand book shops, op shops or ebay (eg. the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew series, Enid Blyton and Beatrix Potter)
SEWING: Stylish Dress Book - Wear with Freedom. Okay I don't sew, but if I did - this lovely book, translated from Japanese, has the most gorgeous designs of simple women's dresses (there's another book for girl's wear). If I did sew, I would definitely be buying myself this book (patterns are included)
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